
Unlock the Full Potential of Your Videos with Eye-Catching Thumbnails that Demand Attention.In the Crowded Digital Landscape - a Compelling Thumbnail as well as Captivating Editing is Your Ticket to Standing Out and Drawing Viewers In.


Crafted for Distinction

Designs are not just graphics - they're crafted messages.It's about transforming the story to a masterful visual image.And that's what I love to do..I don't just create thumbnails - I create iconic first impressions that resonate long after the click.Or in other words..I Craft Clickworthy Moments

What I Offer You:
- A/B testing
- Many Revisions
- High-Quality Thumbnails
- Close Involvement and growth-oriented communication
- Dry Humor

(Sample thumbnails - I didn't edit those videos for channels)

First edited sample thumbnail

Why P*rn Destroys Your Brain

The Truth About Stoicism

Tom Outdoor sample thumbnail

Then & Now: 'Kant: A Complete Guide to Life' thumbnail

YouTuber Olympics

Bram Jilissen: 'Radical Acceptance' thumbnail

Govert Sweep: 'Ik ging ZWEMMEN met GEVAARLIJKE HAAIEN' thumbnail

Govert Sweep: 'de BOSHUT is GESLOOPT' thumbnail

Bram Jilissen: 'Guided Sleep Meditation 10 minutes version' thumbnail

Bram Jilissen: 'Master your Reactivity Practice - practice being non-reactive to distractions' thumbnail

Thumbnail re-makes

Below a re-make of Stefan de Vries: '72 Overleven In De Kleinste Huisjes Van Nederland'



Below a re-make of Marcus Jones: 'Do THIS to make the YouTube Algorithm love you'



Before / after

Before / after

What I Offer You:
- A/B testing
- Many Revisions
- High-Quality Thumbnails
- Close Involvement
- Dry Humor

Before / after

Before / after

Before / after

Before / after

HOW To Turn Ideas into Visual Epics

Strategic Immersion - I don't just understand your content; I immerse myself in it.Creative Execution: my process involves a healthy dose of creativity and strategic thinking.I work on crafting designs that not only look good but serve a purpose. Because of my attention for detail each element is carefully chosen to enhance the thumbnail.Collaborative Process: Your feedback matters.I believe in collaboration - refining designs based on your insights! And of course having a good time with each other!I want your channel to grow and let your vision be created.

Ready to enhance your thumbs? Let's work together to create thumbnails that make a lasting impression!

Long-form content

My passion lies with Thumbnail-Design. Yet I offer video-editing as a complementary service!

Go to my YouTube-channel for a taste of what I can do in terms of editing and storytelling:

Sample re-edited videos (I didn't edit those videos for channels)

Cinematic videos

Just for fun

Mail to: [email protected]

@Bram all rights reserved